Welcome to my home page. I am a full professor in the Department of Information and Computing Sciences of Utrecht University (UU), where I lead the Business Process Management & Analytics group. I am also a part-time full professor in the PA group of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). My research and teaching focus on business process management, data analytics, process mining, and Robotic Process Automation. I am closely cooperating with companies from the services and healthcare domains, as well as with various international scholars. Things on my agenda:
- As of January 1, 2019, my main appointment is with Utrecht University. Before 2019, I held a position as full professor at the Department of Computer Sciences of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
- The BPM Association is organizing a series of BPM Expert Forum events throughout 2021. Make sure to check out the events; participation is free.
- Recently, I became a department editor for the Business & Information Systems Engineering Journal (BISE). Together with Jan Mendling, I am taking care of the BPM department.
- Since September 2020, I am a member of the steering committee of the BPM conference series. The 2021 edition of the conference will be organized in Rome. It is my great pleasure to be among the keynote speakers.
- The Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW) appointed me as a member in 2020.
- I am a co-author of the textbook "Fundamentals of Business Process Management". By now, the book is in use in classes of more than 250 different universities. Have a look at the accompanying website for slides, video lectures, figures, and other supplementary material.
- If you are a student, you may have ended up here because you are looking for an interesting master project. Have a look at the Konjoin site for open projects. In case you see a match, send me your resume and a listing of your study results.
- Frequently, prospective PhD students reach out to me because they are interested in joining our "PhD program". However, the Netherlands differs from various other countries in this respect. So, first consider what it means to do a PhD project in the Netherlands before you approach me or any other Dutch professor. Check sites like academictransfer.com for current vacancies.
Last updated: March 17, 2021